by aliciayoung | Feb 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
I’ve been pondering the gift of Girlfriends and the roles they play in our lives. When I look back on how we met, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that long-lasting bonds form at pivotal moments in life—from first grade, to first jobs, Little Athletics to college or... by aliciayoung | Feb 11, 2013 | Uncategorized
Dear Pope Benedict: I wish you well, and I urge you to make your retirement count for something. Why not announce you are stepping down as a healing gesture for the river of victims abused by pedophile priests? The Catholic Church – and as its leader, you – have... by aliciayoung | Feb 6, 2013 | Body, Career, Humor, LIfe, Mind, Spirit
… and by wallet I mean purse. And by purse I mean bag. And by bag, I mean the leather monstrosity (big enough to move into) that fell on my head while spring-cleaning. In it, I found a stack of old ID cards. As I spread them out, they evoked my journey so far. A...
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