Author Photo Credit: Bohemian Ekko
E: info@aliciayoung.net FB & IG: @authoraliciayoung @12stamps
Australia: 0448 820 978
International: +61 44 88 20978
JUN. 2024: Alicia announced upcoming in-person workshops in Perth, West Australia, and is currently exploring options for further hybrid workshops (in-person + virtual). 25 AUG. 25, 2024: Angel Signs & Synchronicities. 22 SEP., 2024: Intro to Soul Plans. Coming up: Is there is a Book in You? and BYO Publicist (Be Your Own Publicist). Please drop a line to info@aliciayoung.net to register you interest.) p.s: We’ll soon be adding an Events tab to the Homepage.
OCT. 2022: Alicia presented at the United Nations, NYC, as part of a speaker roster on different belief systems. With 193 member nations, there is wide interest in cultural issues, explored both formally and informally.
MAY 2022: Alicia was a guest on Australia’s leading national social affairs program, ‘Insight’. Season: 2022. Episode: Inheritance. Network: SBS.
“Why My $500 Inheritance Meant Everything”
WATCH PROMO 1.4M VIEWS: https://bit.ly/3Mhz61D
READ THE ARTICLE: (Op-Ed) https://bit.ly/3zgnolf
Bio: Alicia Young is an Australian television journalist with more than twenty years’ experience in local, national and international news. Her passion for current events propelled her to Russia (where she presented the news in Moscow), the US, UK, South America and Europe. She has contributed to newsrooms around the world as an anchor, medical reporter, and foreign correspondent. Alicia has worked with legendary journalist Walter Cronkite (and was suitably terrified). In addition, she filed live reports from Rome on the death of Pope John Paul II, reported various presidential elections/inaugurations and covered the aftermath of the 8.8 earthquake that rocked Chile in 2010. Her most recent international live reports were filed from NYC in lockdown over Covid-19 (March 2020).
Alicia was once told off by Mother Teresa for not having children (she forgot) and has volunteered at a hospice and leprosy hospital in India. She has also written six awarding-winning nonfiction books (with a seventh title on the way in 2022). The latest, Visit from Heaven: A Soul’s Message of Love, Loss & Family recounts a transformative experience in which she met the soul of a little boy and went to the Other Side. It occurred in what is commonly called an out-of-body experience (OBE). This title represented a shift from the headspace of news to the heart space of Soul Planning.
Prior to journalism, Alicia was a social worker/crisis counsellor in the areas of child protection and mental health.
Outside of work, Alicia handles parasols and power-tools with equal ease (not really, but she helpfully holds the torch when needed).
Today, she is based in Australia.
Please disregard contact details on opening title.
Alicia’s intro video (filmed Aug. 2016)

The Author in New York City, 2013
Photo: www.elizabethshrier.com
Jewelry: www.loboluxe.com
© Alicia Young 2013

The Author in New York City, Fall 2012
Photo: www.elizabethshrier.com
Jewelry www.loboluxe.com
© Alicia Young 2012