by aliciayoung | Apr 24, 2013 | Communication, Community, LIfe, Mind, Relationships
“I’ve been on a calendar, but I’ve never been on time.” —Marilyn Monroe. Each of us has a relationship with time. We might bluster through our day, lurching from appointment to appointment, or we might move like molasses, unperturbed. Society vows “faster” is better.... by aliciayoung | Apr 11, 2013 | Community, Identity, LIfe, Mind, Relationships
Maybe I’ve caught bits of The Sound of Music a little too often (she says, loving it every time). Maybe it’s the frequent fire sirens lately. Or maybe I was inspired by a writer friend, who wrote eloquently about possessions and the hold they can have on us, as well... by aliciayoung | Mar 28, 2013 | Communication, Community, LIfe, Relationships
In a coffee shop today, I discreetly observed an elderly man with his two granddaughters, young teens who had just finished a sports game. My heart broke for him as he tried to engage them, smiling as he talked proudly about one girl’s great kick, or recounting... by aliciayoung | Jan 16, 2013 | Communication, Community, LIfe, Relationships, Spirit
If you’ve ever experienced a little charity fatigue, I feel for you. I live in an activist neighborhood, where most days a Savvy Girl can’t take three steps without being pressed for a signature, a membership, a donation, or occasionally, a kidney. You want to help,... by aliciayoung | Jan 2, 2013 | Communication, Community, Mind, Relationships, Spirit
Hello – and Happy New Year to you! January holds its own magic, when the year ahead stretches out crisp and fresh, brimming with potential. At a party yesterday, we were asked our intent for the year…not a specific resolution per se… but what guiding intent we want to... by aliciayoung | Jan 28, 2012 | Communication, Community, LIfe, Mind, Relationships, Spirit
Could you organize the group gift? Could you babysit this weekend? Could you lend me some money (again)? Meet Carla. She said yes to all these requests—this past weekend. People who meet her see a dynamic, caring and accomplished woman. They’re right.They’re just...
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