by aliciayoung | Jan 12, 2014 | Career, Communication, Community, Identity, LIfe, Mind, Relationships, Social Life, Spirit
[HAPPY NEW YEAR! I allow myself one re-post each year, around now. I offer it as a reminder to us all – myself included – of the need to become/stay comfortable with saying no when people or obligations tip the scale and become toxic. Please consider. Also, while I... by aliciayoung | Nov 13, 2013 | Career, Community, Identity, LIfe, Mind, Relationships, Spirit
Over the weekend, I delivered a talk on success in different cultures. What constitutes a happy or successful life? We all use a different yardstick, of course. Maybe a combination of family time, career accomplishment and financial security? A Mercedes in the... by aliciayoung | Sep 15, 2013 | Communication, Identity, LIfe, Mind
They’re scrawled on restroom walls, brimming with gritty wisdom. Etched on rings, on lockets, in hearts. Scrawled in diaries that reflect our journeys. Favorite words, phrases and other sayings find their way into our days. I once read that actress Sarah Jessica... by aliciayoung | Apr 11, 2013 | Community, Identity, LIfe, Mind, Relationships
Maybe I’ve caught bits of The Sound of Music a little too often (she says, loving it every time). Maybe it’s the frequent fire sirens lately. Or maybe I was inspired by a writer friend, who wrote eloquently about possessions and the hold they can have on us, as well... by aliciayoung | Jan 23, 2013 | Body, Humor, Identity, LIfe, Relationships
Some people share their name with rock stars, world leaders or Nobel Laureates. Not me. I call it The Case of the Curious Stats (as in statistics). Like most sites, this website allows us to monitor general data—which countries are represented, which pages are most...
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