A “coincidence” saved my life.

Except, I don’t believe it was a coincidence, though many would label it that way. In college, I caught three buses to class. I wanted a place close to campus and was delighted to find one right across the road. I could sleep in and still be on time – love it! It was...

Gifts that inspire.

[NOTE: My first post since May. Thanks for your patience, as I pushed through the last few months of the book. See sample chapters via the Amazon link at right.] I was inspired today by a fabulous friend (thanks, Blossom!) whose FB post shows the impact of a gift. Let...


“I’ve been on a calendar, but I’ve never been on time.” —Marilyn Monroe. Each of us has a relationship with time. We might bluster through our day, lurching from appointment to appointment, or we might move like molasses, unperturbed. Society vows “faster” is better....

The women who live in my wallet

… and by wallet I mean purse. And by purse I mean bag. And by bag, I mean the leather monstrosity (big enough to move into) that fell on my head while spring-cleaning. In it, I found a stack of old ID cards. As I spread them out, they evoked my journey so far. A...

Do you allow yourself to dream big?

I mean really dream, conjuring an image of something or someone that you wish to be part of your life? An image so vivid that you can see, hear and feel it? I’m inspired by athletes, artists and others who say they pictured their “moment” over and over until it became...

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